Sunday, January 20, 2019

Lethal White - Robert Galbraith

Title: Lethal White: Cormoran Strike Book 4
Author: Robert Galbraith
Publisher: Sphere Books
Publish date: 2018

I struggled to get through this book. It’s not without its plus points. Chiefly:
1.       Description is masterly, and sensitive. The language itself is finely honed. Characterisation is clear and full.
2.       The plot is so complex one’s got to take one’s hat off just for the feat of pulling off the job. It’s like some super-real piece of art, or massive mandala made of butter, or sand, or some other improbable material. It’s a big effort to get something like that together.

Unfortunately, not a single one of these perfectly-rendered characters has any likeable aspect whatsoever. One just wants them all to die, and hopefully the cast to be replaced. It’s more a feeling of ‘thank god’ when it all ends than any sensation of satisfaction. Lexical anaesthesia. It’s much more finely crafted than I remember the first Harry Potter book being (that’s as far as I got in the series) but still put-downable. What a shame of such beautiful work.

Three moose hoofs up out of five, simply because of the massive effort and skill, lopsided though it is.